2023 GOLF TIME Media Kit
Where we let emotions run high ...
GOLF TIME is very active in the tournament, event and travel segment: Within the fra mework of the SAMSONITE Golf Club Tour (Golftime-clubtour.com) in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, which has been running since 2013, almost 450 tournaments were held in around 150 partner clubs in 2022, in which a total of over 13,000 golfers took part. The German Puttliga by VICE GOLF (Deutsche puttliga.de) also provided pure excitement once again. In the final at GC St. Leon-Rot, Alexander Nitsche was spectacularly crowned „Champion Putter of the Year“. The contacts achieved are much higher as a result of the promotion during the season in the partner clubs through tournament posters, announcement and entry list as well as the publication of the result lists on the club pages. With GOLF TIME tours, we have been success fully represented on the market as an indepen dent full-service golf tour operator since 2014. Ask us about special forms of advertising such as flyers, which we send to our customers as part of their travel documents.
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